About Me

I am a Registered Clinical Counsellor with a Master's degree in Counselling & Guidance and a Bachelor's degree in General Psychology. I have been working as a counsellor-therapist in Vancouver Canada since 2005, and I have always been a counsellor in good standing with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors.

In counselling sessions, my clients and I work through difficult issues that they have experienced. I mostly help my clients by focusing on their strengths and equipping them with the skills to be able to recognize their strengths and utilize them to manage their dilemmas. Strengths-based dialogue provides the opportunity for my clients to focus on their abilities and creativity to gain the resilience which will help them to foster healing and growth.

As we walk in the path of your lives, together we will tap into your existing strengths and develop new skills to form a proactive plan to build your future resilience and well-being.

Individual Counselling Services

I offer in-person counselling in my office in North Vancouver and virtual counselling with clients from all over Canada and the US.


If you are experiencing tiredness, sadness, lack of sleep, being irritable and negative, stopped visiting your friends and you are not interested in doing things that you did before? Perhaps you are experiencing depression.

Generalized anxiety disorders

If you are experiencing worry, restlessness, and having problems with concentration, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension, and insomnia? You might be undergoing Generalized anxiety.

Panic disorders and Agoraphobia

If you are experiencing heart palpitation, sweating, shakiness or trembling, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, feeling of detachment, nausea, or fear of losing control? You might be having symptoms of Panic disorder and agoraphobia.

Social Phobia

If you are feeling anxious when public speaking, or in public performance, at social gatherings, meeting new people, eating in public, disagreeing with others, and speaking to authority figures?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

If you are experiencing trauma including memories, nightmares, flashbacks, numbness, insomnia, irritability, or impaired concentration as a result of a traumatic event?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsession consists of recurring thoughts, impulses, or images that cause anxiety or distress.
Compulsion typically includes fear of being contaminated by germs, fear of causing harm to oneself or others, or fear of committing some unacceptable action.


Lack of sleep or interrupted sleeping is usually related to worrying and stress.

Family Counselling Services

Family / Couple Therapy

If you have a conflicted relationship with your loved one and conflict affects communication with your spouse, partner, boyfriend ,girlfriend. I can help you to recover, strengthen and rebuild your relationship with your loved one.


If you are struggling in communication with your child or teenager, and you would like to find a solution for better communication and understanding, then you might need counselling to improve your parenting skills.

Contact Me




(604) 313 – 1496


210, 1940, Lansdale Avenue,
North Vancouver, B.C. V7M 2K2